sara + jake | tide point | baltimore engagement session

  1. Sara says:

    Naomi – you and Anthony are seriously the best!! Jake and I can’t wait until September!

    • Naomi says:

      It was our pleasure!!! You two make our job so easy! πŸ™‚

      • Sara says:

        PS. We are having Shrimp Scampi this weekend to celebrate our 1 year engagement anniversary and my mother’s birthday! ☺️

        • Naomi says:

          YAY! πŸ™‚ I love it. Enjoy and wish your mom a happy birthday for me!!! I feel like you were just telling me the story of how it all unfolded – can’t believe it’s been a year already…

  2. You captured Sara and Jake perfectly!

  3. Kristy Topa says:

    Perfect pictures & perfect couple πŸ™‚ So happy for you two! XOXO

  4. Lisa Hinton says:

    These are perfect! So happy for you two!

  5. Amber says:

    These are stunning! So happy for you guys!!! Wish you many years of love and happiness for you guys!!! You two looks so in love and happy!!!

  6. Michaela Blizzard says:

    Such a beautiful couple with such strong love ❀️

  7. Nancy Wolfe says:

    Great pictures. Love you two. Can’t wait to see the wedding pictures.

  8. Wendy Miller says:

    Beautiful photos of a gorgeous couple!

  9. Sarah says:

    Beautiful pictures and love story!! You did an amazing job capturing it!

  10. Ashley says:

    These pictures perfectly capture the love between Jake and Sara! Absolutely beautiful!!

  11. Victoria Delle Grotti says:

    Love love love!! Can’t wait until September πŸ™‚

  12. Nan Webster says:

    The pictures are absolute gorgeous!!

  13. Kim Moxley says:

    These are stunning you guys!! I can’t wait until September!!

  14. Jewel Hall (grandmother) says:

    Sara & Jake’s story is so sweet! I love it ! They are such a sweet couple! Sara is my grand daughter she is a beautiful young talented young woman I wish them all the luck in the world! She picked a nice young man love him! The picture are great so lovely& sweet ! You did a great job!!!!

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks so much, Jewel! They are absolutely so sweet together! I look forward to meeting you at their wedding! πŸ™‚

  15. Sharon Dixon says:

    We had the pleasure of meeting Jake and spending time with he and Sara earlier this month…We loved, the love that they shared, not only with each other but with all of us that were together….Thanks for such beautiful pictures you captured.

  16. Teresa H. Dixon says:

    Love the photos, the photos captured Jake and Sara’s love for each other, Baltimore City and Ray Lewis. I’m so excited for both of them and can’t wait for their special day when Jake will finally become my son-in-law. Each year our family will share our wedding anniversary together. Love you Jake and Sara!

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks for visiting the blog and leaving your sweet comment, Teresa! I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend and can’t wait to meet you soon! πŸ™‚

  17. Great job! I especially love the last shot πŸ™‚

  18. Jewel Ward says:

    What a happy couple. I love the pictures. You’ve done such a great job of capturing their love for each other.

  19. Jayne Stocksdale says:

    The pictures are just beautiful. You two look so in love and very happy. Can’t wait until September 4th. Love you both so much and are so happy for you. Love Dude and Naina

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