megan + chris | patterson park pagoda engagement

  1. Have I mentioned before that we LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos and are sooo lucky to have you along for this season of our life? xoxo Soul Sister

  2. Chris is a cousin of mine and I am so happy to see the happiness you were able to capture. The location, Patterson Park, is linked with my childhood and that of my mother’s as she grew up on Linwood Ave. The pagoda was restored and open to the public during my teen years and I was able to visit it. My mother always called it “the dizzy house” because of the winding stairway. The photos reveal a family ready for their journey together. Congratulations.

    • Naomi says:

      Awww, thank you!!! I lived on N Port St. for 8 years and loved going up and looking out the pagoda! It is a dizzying stairway!!

  3. These pictures are incredible!!! There is so much love radiating from you both!

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